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Work plan

The work plan consists of five work packages (WP), with efforts concentrating on:
-   Consortium management (WP1)
-   Integration & networking (WP2), both internally and externally:
-   Knowledge management – in order to accelerate the large-scale implementation of CCS, including:
i) Knowledge repository (WP3): to collect, structure and summarise existing CGS knowledge for easy use,
ii) Knowledge development (WP4): to foster this knowledge by bridging the gaps between the different countries and joining forces for increased capacity, and
iii) Knowledge dissemination (WP5): to disseminate the results to a broader audience in a clear and appropriate manner.
One major outcome of CGS Europe will be a better understanding of the current status of CO2 geological storage throughout Europe, a sort of pan-European knowledge pool structured to provide relevant information
(reports, best practices, country status, etc.) to a wide and varied audience. Through various dissemination tools (knowledge dissemination and awareness raising workshops, a website with an online knowledge repository, publications, spring/summer school, etc.), CGS Europe will offer access to unbiased, scientific advice to national regulatory authorities, industrial stakeholders, the scientific community, media, the general public, etc.
The most concrete outcome of CGS Europe, at the end of the EC funding period, will be a durable European wide scientific body on CO2 geological storage, forming the crossroads between national-European-
-Worldwide perspectives and needs in the field of CO2 geological storage.