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CO2GeoNet - The European Network of Excellence on Geological Storage of CO2

CO2GeoNet is the European scientific body on CO2 geological storage. It currently comprises 13 public research institutes from 7 European countries, and brings together over 300 researchers with the multidisciplinary expertise needed to address all aspects of CO2 storage.
With activities encompassing joint research, training, scientific advice, information and communication, CO2GeoNet has a valuable and independent role to play in enabling the efficient and safe geological storage of CO2.
CO2GeoNet was created in 2004 as a Network of Excellence supported by the EC FP6 programme for 5 years. In 2008, the Network became a non-profit association under French law.
Visit CO2GeoNet’s website at
CO2GeoNet members: BGS (UK); BGR (Germany); BRGM (France); GEUS (Denmark); HWU (UK); IFPEN (France);
IMPERIAL (UK); NIVA (Norway); OGS (Italy); IRIS (Norway); SPR Sintef (Norway); TNO (Netherlands); URS (Italy)

Researchers involved in CGS: 7 (link to staff)

Facilities (link to facilities)

Fields of Experties

CGS Projects