CO2GeoNet-GEUS - Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland
The Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland (GEUS), established in 1888, is a research and advisory institute under the Danish Ministry for Environment and Energy.
The main mission of GEUS comprises provision of R&D and advisory services for government agencies, local authorities and private enterprises in Denmark as well as internationally. Key scientific areas include: ground water and surface water resources, petroleum resources and subsurface energy storage/disposal, raw materials and minerals resources, geological mapping of Denmark, Greenland and the Faeroe Islands, marine geology, environmental impacts assessment, and physical & electronic data storage for the Kingdom. Current staff is about 309, with some 150 holding academic degrees. Annual turnover is about DKK 279 million (c. 36.8 million Euro). GEUS has conducted research pertaining to geological sequestration of CO2 since 1993, being one of the European pioneers in this area. GEUS has lead or contributed to a number of RTD projects, including; SACS Phases Zero, 1 and 2, GESTCO (project manager), CO2NET 1 & 2 (initiator and co-ordinator of RTD strategy activity), Weyburn (Canadian CO2 EOR), CCP (sub-project on aquifer storage) and CO2Store (co-ordinator of 4 onshore site-specific activities), CO2GeoNet, EU GeoCapacity (project manager) (2006-2008), DYNAMIS (2006–2009), CO2ReMoVe (monitoring and leader of regulatory work), CASTOR (leads activity on geological storage potential assessment) (2004–2009), CO2SINK (2004–2010), COACH (work package leader) (2006–2009), ECCO (2008–2011), BIGCCS - International CCS Research Centre (2008-16), AQUA DK - EFP07-II (project manager) (2009-2013), HTF EOR, National project financed by the ”Høj teknologi fonden” (ongoing). In addition GEUS is engaged in projects for Oljedirektoratet and GEO/MOGAS (ongoing). GEUS is actively engaged involved as member in a series of international networks on CCS including: CO2GeoNet Association (European Network of Excellence focussing on geological storage of CO2), CO2NET (Network of CCS stakeholders across Europe), ENeRG (European Network for Research in Geo-Energy), EuroGeoSurvey (GEUS participate in the Task Force on CO2).