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GEO-INZ - Geoinženiring d.o.o.

Geoinzeniring, a SME company is engaged in geological engineering and is one of the leading companies of its kind in Slovenia. It was established in 1998 as a limited liability company. Prior to that, it has a noteworthy tradition, which had started in 1946 with its legal predecessors (1946 – 1954 Geological Institute of Slovenia, 1954 - 1991 Geological Institute Ljubljana, 1991 - 1998 Institute for Geology, Geotechnic and Geophysics). 

The company's main activities comprise investigations, project designing and consulting in the areas of soil and rock mechanics, engineering geology and engineering geophysics. The co-ordination of these activities allows the firm to provide complete, cost-effective and environment friendly solutions. The modern measuring and laboratory equipment and extensive data bases enable professional staff to perform wide range of services, such as projects for infrastructure and power plants, geological and environmental hazard, water and mineral resources.

Geoinzeniring is Slovenian national country representative in ENeRG (European Network for Research in Geo-Energy). Geoinzeniring has been involved in previous international CCS related projects (CASTOR WP2.1, EU GeoCapacity, dissemination activities of CO2NET EAST) and acts as a leading knowledge transfer body in the country. CO2 storage, monitoring and verification as well as utilisation of the deep subsurface is of our particular interest.