TTUGI - Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Geoloogia Instituut
The Institute of Geology at Tallinn University of Technology (Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli Geoloogia Instituut, TTUGI, is the leading institution in the field of geosciences in Estonia and one of the largest in the Baltic region (80 staff members, including 44 researches).
TTUGI is known by high level scientific publications. In 2005-2009 were published 177 ISI-listed articles and 4 master thesis and 7 PhD thesis were defended by the institute workers. At the present TTUGI has 11 PhD and 22 master students. Since 2004, IGTUT represents Estonia in the European Network for Research in Geoenergy (ENeRG), held its presidency in 2007, and manages its internet site since 2008 ( In 2006 TTUGI started research in the new for Estonia scientific and applied fields CCS and CGS via participation in two projects: (1) EU GeoCapacity and (2) CO2NetEast, which were organised by ENeRG and supported by EU FP6. TTUGI was the only partner from the Baltic region in the CO2NetEast project being responsible for the cooperation and information dissemination in the entire Baltic Region. TTUGI prepared and presented research „CO2 geological storage in Estonia and neighbouring regions: analysis of options and storage recommendations” to national energy company Eesti Energia. TTUGI is advising in the field of CO2 geological storage (CGS) to industrial companies and ministries of environment of the Baltic region, policy makers and scientists and disseminating information in the field of CCS and GeoEnergy using internet websites of the ENeRG network and CCS technology portal in Estonian ( and Russian ( TTUGI is the author of English-Estonian and English-Russian glossaries of CCS terms posted at the corresponding websites and the organiser of a number of international conferences, workshops, geological excursions.