BRGM - Bureau de Recherches Geologiques et Minieres
BRGM is France’s Public Institution responsible for mobilising the Earth Sciences in the sustainable management of natural resources and the subsurface domain. It contributes advice and expert assessments to public authorities.
BRGM research and development programmes support innovation and work in the following areas: mineral resources, groundwater, development planning and natural risks, environment and pollution, environmental metrology, mapping and digital information systems. With a staff of 860 employees, BRGM is present in all the Regions of France through its network of Regional Geological Surveys and has been active for many years in more than 40 countries throughout the world.
BRGM is acknowledged within France as a leading authority on CO2 sequestration. BRGM was involved in the pioneer EU Joule project ten years ago and has been involved since in many other CO2 projects: SACS, SACS2, GESTCO, NASCENT, WEYBURN, CO2NET, CO2STORE, SAMCARDS, PICOR.
BRGM present expertise in CO2 research concerns: 1) geochemical modelling of CO2-water-rock interactions; 2)coupled geochemical-transport-flow modelling; 3) microseismic monitoring; 4) soil gas survey monitoring; 5) geochemical monitoring; 6) long term risk assessment.
BRGM has been leading since the Joule project the Work Packages or tasks on geochemistry or geochemical and coupled modelling and is then acknowledged in Europe as an expert on the geochemical aspects of CO2 storage.
BRGM will also bring to the NoE significant expertise from other research domains (e.g. geothermal energy, radioactive waste storage, mineral exploration, natural hazards, contaminated sites) that can be transferred to CO2 storage research, such as geomechanical modelling, geochemical and geomechanical experiments, and a wide range of geophysical and remote sensing monitoring methods.
Concerning the other items of the Joint Programme of Activities, BRGM will have a key role in:
integrating activities: share of research infrastructure (analytical and experimental facilities, modelling tools, monitoring tools), staff mobility, communication, joint research development; activities to spread excellence: professional training, conferences & workshops, media.
BRGM has already experience with professional training, conferences & workshops, media in the field of CO2 research. BRGM is involved in advice to French government regarding CO2 issues by participation in two national committees: MIES (Mission Interministérielle sur l’Effet de Serre, Governmental Committee on Greenhouse Effect) and Club CO2 (French thematic club on CO2 capture and storage).